Coupla infographics
May 2016
JWd produced two infographics for the Center for International Forestry Research, one on the Poverty Environment Network, and the other on Indonesia's Peatland Fires and Toxic Haze. In both cases I was given loads of unfriendly science to sort through, and pretty much wrote the things singlehandedly for the layperson. Which is just fine, being a long-time layperson myself.

Preserving nature to protect water supplies
March 2015
The Nature Conservancy works with JWd to produce a 32-page business case for the Upper Tana-Nairobi Water Fund, along with an A4 brochure (pictured) and exhibit banner. The Water Fund aims to support improvements in how lands and waters are managed upstream to benefit farmers, businesses, and Kenyans throughout the watershed.

Water Fund layout

Climate change at the top of the world
June 2014
The Government of Nepal's project "Economic Impact Assessment of Climate Change in Key Sectors in Nepal" needs a 20-page report, so JWd provides. This in association with Green Ink, always a pleasure to work with.

IDS layout

New web site for regional medical group
April 2014
Jeff Walker Design completes design and development of a new web site for Hawthorn Medical Associates, a large multi-specialty medical group in Massachusetts. The site, produced on the Wordpress platform, boasts a mobile-friendly, responsive design format.

Participatory impact assessment guide
November 2013
Walker designs a 60-page assessment guide for Tufts University's Feinstein International Center, with the UK agency Green Ink. The guide describes processes for designing real-time assessments of livelihoods-based drought responses in developing countries.

Tufts layout

Presentation at UEM in Maputo
July 2013
Walker is invited to present to communications students and faculty at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique, on design principles, followed by a review of students' work. Eduardo Mondlane University is celebrating its 50th year of operation in 2013.

Responsive design, km 5yn6 n6g4k 5H sM 4ky? *
October 2012
JWd is asked to redesign the web site of the Center for International Forestry Research, a large research organization based in Bogor, Indonesia. CIFOR has requested a responsive design (see next story), and Walker will deliver css layouts to a Wordpress developer for templating. No, a trip to Java is not part of the contract . . . Walker stays in Winterville.

CIFOR responsive layouts

* Jakarta texting slang for "do you love me?"

Through the responsive design looking glass
April 2012
Walker begins development of a web site for the Narcissism Lab—seriously—at the University of Georgia. The client requested a responsive design, which would include a dynamic grid, fluid images and a layout swap on browser resize. Which is to say, the single web site will adapt itself to any device, without having to fall back on a separate "mobile" site.

Bought a lawn mower
January 2012
The offices of Jeff Walker Design, and Jeff Walker, have relocated indefinitely to Winterville, Georgia. A bit of culture shock after several years in crowded Bogor, Indonesia: in Winterville, during long periods of the day or night, you can look in every direction, very hard, and not see . . . anyone. JWd is spending a fair amount of time working in coffeehouses, enjoying the absurdly fast US connection speed. Eli, our team leader sans portfolio, loves his day care but still finds time to travel. Map »

Changing Agricultural Research in a Changing World
March 2011
JWd designs a set of strategy brochures for the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), with Green Ink. The strategy framework was ultimately approved by the CGIAR's donor community, perhaps due in part to the stylish design of the brochures?

Printers beware
January 2011
Tell me if this is funny. I happened to be in Hyderabad (see next story), and I happened to have an annual report being printed for the Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance. The printer, Pragati Offset, is located in Hyderabad. So I called them up and said I'm coming over for a press check. A press check. This is almost unheard of in our completely-digital age, but they were delighted. Eli and I jumped on a bajaj (vroom ») and showed up in time for his nap, so he slept while I checked the press proof, after which Pragati took us on a complete tour of the facility. I hadn't seen the inside of a large print operation in a long time; very impressive. Pragati does great work, by the way.

Failed blogging career, down and out in Hyderabad
January 2011
Walker participates in the 13th Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons in Hyderabad, India, as a blogger for the Center for International Forestry Research. He is pulled from the assignment after three postings; CIFOR's Communications Director found his writing well-crafted and insightful, but not "breezy" enough for blogs! Turns out the regular blogger only puts 1/2 hour into 500 words, as opposed to Walker's four hours.

UNFCCC 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16)
5 December 2010
Walker works Forest Day 4, a side event at the UN's Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, managing and editing, of all things, a team of 10 scientist and journalist bloggers, as well as running social media for the event.

New team leader's first year
17 October 2010
Eli's duties with JWd are yet to be determined, but in his first year he traveled seven countries, building biological resistance and meeting people. Map »

Creative work forthcoming
July 2010
Well, it's all "creative," but in this case Witness, American Literary Review, and Brick magazines have accepted creative essays by Walker, all to appear in 2011. The Witness story can be read here.

Shooting Zambia
June 2010
Walker accompanies a team from an international agricultural research center through northern Zambia for two weeks, acquiring "scientist at work" images for their communications unit.

New team leader arrives
17 October 2009
Eli Allen Walker is born, in the US, after having traveled eight countries in utero. Map »